Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2015

Statement outlining results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and program


This quarterly financial report has been prepared by management as required by section 65.1 of the Financial Administration Act and in the form and manner prescribed by the Treasury Board. The report should be read in conjunction with the Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates (A) and the previous quarterly financial reports for the current year. The report has not been subject to an external audit or review.

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is an independent administrative tribunal that was created on January 1, 1989, by an amendment to the Immigration Act. In 2002, the Immigration Act was replaced by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), which was amended by the Balanced Refugee Reform Act (BRRA) in 2010 and by the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act (PCISA) in 2012.

The IRB has a single strategic outcome which is to resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

The IRB has five programs: Refugee Protection, Refugee Appeals, Immigration Appeals, Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews and Internal Services. The Internal Services program supports the four other programs.

A summary description of the IRB's programs can be found in 2015-2016 Report on Plans and Priorities.

Basis of Presentation

This quarterly report has been prepared by management using an expenditure basis of accounting. The accompanying Statement of Authorities includes the IRB's spending authorities granted by Parliament and those used by the IRB in a manner consistent with the Main Estimates and Supplementary (A) for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. This quarterly report has been prepared using a special purpose financial reporting framework designed to meet financial information needs with respect to the use of spending authorities.

The authority of Parliament is required before monies can be spent by the Government.

Approvals are given in the form of annually approved limits through appropriation acts or through legislation in the form of statutory spending authority for specific purposes.

The IRB uses the full accrual method of accounting to prepare and present its annual departmental financial statements that are part of the departmental performance reporting process. However, the spending authorities voted by Parliament remain on an expenditure basis.

Highlights of fiscal quarter and fiscal year to date (YTD) results

IRB's 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 authorities represent the total Main Estimates. IRB did not request authorities through the Supplementary Estimates (A) in 2014-15 and 2015-16.

Significant Changes to Authorities

As at September 30, 2015, the total authorities available for use were $117.6 million compared to $121.1 million for the same quarter of the prior year, representing a decrease of $3.5 million or 2.9% as reflected in the Statement of Authorities and as shown in the graph below.

The net decrease of $3.5 million is due to the following:

  • A decrease of $6.0 million in funds reprofiled from previous years due to legislative changes to enable the implementation of remaining activities associated with the new refugee determination system;
  • A decrease of $1.6 million in temporary funding ending during 2014–15 for activities related to cases requiring the protection of information pursuant to Division 9 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA);
  • A decrease of $1.2 million due to the delay in the effective transfer date of the pre-removal risk assessment function;
  • A decrease of $0.1 million to support the delivery of a core curriculum common to the operations of all federal institutions;
  • An increase of $0.3 million in compensation for revised collective agreements; and
  • An increase of $0.2 million in employee benefit plan costs; and
  • An increase of $4.9 million resulting from previous year carry forward.

Significant Changes to Expenditures

The IRB spent 23.3% of its authorities in the second quarter of 2015-2016. Compared to the previous year quarter, total expenditures have increased by $1 million from $26.4 million to $27.4 million. This represents an increase of 3.8%. This is primarily due to an increase in expenditures for personnel, transportation and communications and professional services.

Second Quarter Expenditures Compared to Annual Authorities 

[Alternate format]

The image illustrates a graph.

  • The Y axis (vertical) represents amounts in millions of dollars in increments of 20 ranging from 0 to 140.
  • The X axis (horizontal) represents two fiscal years:
    • 2015-2016
    • 2014-2015

Each fiscal year consist of two columns:

  • the first column indicates the total authorities
  • the second column represents the expenditures

For fiscal year 2015-2016, the authorities are 117.6 million and expenditures are 27.4 million.

For fiscal year 2014-2015, the authorities are 121.1 million and the expenditures are 26.4 million.

Risks and Uncertainties

The IRB is funded through annual appropriations. As a result, its operations are affected by any changes in funding approved by Parliament. In addition, the IRB's operations are affected by fluctuations in the intake of immigration and refugee cases, and by changes brought by legislation and Federal Court jurisprudence.

Significant changes related to operations, personnel and program

Mr. Ross Pattee was appointed Executive Director in September 2015.

Approval by Senior Officials

Approved by:

Original signed by
Mario Dion,
Original signed by
Richard Kapune,
Acting Chief Financial Officer

Ottawa, Canada
November 16, 2015

Statement of Authorities (unaudited)

Fiscal year 2015-2016 (in thousands of dollars)
Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2016Note 1 Used during the quarter ended September 30, 2015 Year to date used at quarter-end
Vote 10 – Net Operating expenditures 104,430 24,092 45,937
Statutory authority – Contributions to employee benefit plans 13,167 3,292 6,584
Total authorities 117,597 27,384 52,521

Fiscal year 2014-2015 (in thousands of dollars)
Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2015Note 1 Used during the quarter ended September 30, 2014 Year to date used at quarter-end
Vote 10 – Net Operating expenditures 107,870 23,074 50,075
Statutory authority – Contributions to employee benefit plans 13,191 3,298 6,596
Statutory authority – Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1 1 1
Total authorities 121,062 26,373 56,672

Departmental budgetary expenditures by Standard Object (unaudited)

Fiscal year 2015-2016 (in thousands of dollars)
Expenditures Planned expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2016 Expended during the quarter ended September 30, 2015 Year to date used at quarter-end
Personnel 91,540 22,132 43,721
Transportation and communications 1,821 415 825
Information 212 81 145
Professional and special services 20,977 4,484 6,944
Rentals 826 133 404
Repair and maintenance 381 (7) 51
Utilities, materials and supplies 550 79 156
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 1,250 64 259
Other subsidies and payments  40 3 16
Total net budgetary expenditures 117,597 27,384 52,521

Fiscal year 2014-2015 (in thousands of dollars)
Expenditures Planned expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2015 Expended during the quarter ended September 30, 2014 Year to date used at quarter-end
Personnel 93,139 21,529 45,467
Transportation and communications 2,753 274 632
Information 417 74 130
Professional and special services 18,205 3,751 6,745
Rentals 1,192 245 307
Repair and maintenance 2,500 96 151
Utilities, materials and supplies 578 109 204
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 2,108 268 290
Other subsidies and payments 170 27 2,746
Total net budgetary expenditures 121,062 26,373 56,672


Note 1

Includes only Authorities available for use and granted by Parliament at quarter end.

Return to first text note 1

Return to second text note 1