New Medical Certificate Form for Refugee Claimants before the Refugee Protection Division (RPD)

The Medical Certificate form (PDF, 1.18 MB) is available for use by claimants before the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) who were unable or will be unable, for medical reasons, to attend a hearing or submit a Basis of Claim (BOC) form on time. Please consult the Claimant’s Guide for full instructions.

The use of this form is optional. It is designed to help claimants and their doctors understand the information that should be provided to meet the requirements of the Refugee Protection Division Rules.

Under the rules, a claimant who makes an application to the RPD for medical reasons must provide a medical certificate signed by a qualified medical practitioner. The medical certificate must explain the particulars of the medical condition, without specifying the diagnosis that prevents the claimant from proceeding with their matter before the RPD.

This form can be printed and completed by hand, or it can be completed electronically and printed. Signatures cannot be entered electronically; you must first print the document and sign by hand.

The completed form should be submitted to an IRB office.