Immigration Appeal Division Innovation Initiative Information Sheet


The Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) hears appeals on immigration matters.

The IAD hears four types of appeals:

  • Sponsorship appeals
  • Appeals from a removal order issued by an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) or the IRB Immigration Division (ID)
  • Residency obligation appeals
  • Minister's appeal of an ID decision made in the context of an admissibility hearing

What is IAD Innovation?

The IAD Innovation Initiative is an undertaking to transform the IAD into a less court-like, more responsive tribunal that is able to render decisions more quickly and efficiently, with the same high standard of justice.

Why was this initiative launched?

The IAD is facing an increasing volume of cases, with the prospect of even higher numbers in the future. The IAD Innovation Initiative is about more than addressing this increase; it is also about making an investment in the long-term capacity of the IAD to deliver administrative justice simply, quickly and fairly to the people it serves.

What has taken place so far?

The IRB has undertaken an examination of the IAD and released a report called The IAD Innovation Plan. The plan represents the vision of the IRB for the future of the IAD. It contains a series of recommendations, which provide the framework for the transformation of the IAD. The recommendations are organized around the following proposals:

  • Developing and implementing a proactive adjudication strategy, which in individual hearings, sees members take greater control over the proceedings;
  • Integrating the work of specialized teams in the regions;
  • Whenever possible, resolving appeals outside the hearing room and as early as possible, preferably by consensus;
  • Refocusing efforts on the front end of the appeal.

What happens next?

The IRB will now pursue discussions with its portfolio partners, IAD Staff and stakeholders to discuss next steps. They have been part of the process from the beginning, and will continue to be involved in the development of the implementation plan, based on the plan.

What is the benefit of the Initiative?

The IAD Innovation Initiative is about transforming the way immigration appeal cases are processed and resolved. The transformation will bring greater flexibility to the IAD. This means being able to resolve more cases earlier, and outside the hearing room, wherever possible. The benefit is a more efficient tribunal that is able to deliver the same high standard of administrative justice in a more timely and efficient way.

How can I find out more?

You can also find out more by contacting the IRB's Media Relations Office.