IRB launches pilot survey in Toronto

IRB encouraging counsel to complete a post-hearing survey in support of the Board’s commitment to the fairness and efficiency of its proceedings

In line with its continued commitment to improving efficiencies and operations, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) will begin a pilot project in its Toronto waiting rooms, where it will be providing surveys to counsel and is strongly encouraging them to fill it in on behalf of their clients. This latest effort is yet a further step in broader efforts to ensure greater accountability and transparency across the Board.

The IRB also has a responsibility to ensure that recent changes in different divisions, including a number of new measures to address a rising influx of refugee claims, are not compromising an unwavering commitment to fairness.

The survey, which applies to the Refuge Protection Division (RPD), Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) and Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) (all Divisions located at 74 Victoria), will be limited to responses by counsel (and, equally, Minister’s counsel) who are experienced and trained to answer questions regarding fairness of proceedings and service delivery.

By completing this voluntary and anonymous survey, counsel is providing the IRB with a perspective to improve its practices, with a particular focus on the perceived fairness of proceedings. The objective is not to make conclusions about the decision-maker, but rather, the process. Only a court reviewing an IRB case can make firm conclusions on legal matters, including fairness.

The survey considers and reflects feedback received from stakeholders during the development stage.  Results will consist of aggregated data and will not include identifiable information. This pilot project in Toronto is a first step in an effort to implement this survey across all regions. We will incorporate lessons learned and best practices to launch the survey nationally in the next fiscal year.

We look forward to reviewing the results and reflecting those findings where appropriate in our policies and processes. We thank respondents in advance for their participation and for their ongoing commitment to the refugee determination.