Reduced Capacity at the Immigration Appeal Division, Western Region

At this time, the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada has reduced capacity to conduct oral hearings from its Vancouver and Calgary offices. This is because the mandates of a number of Governor-in-Council–appointed decision-makers have come to an end.

The IAD will do its utmost to maintain its operations, but will be able to schedule only a limited number of oral hearings in its Western Region (west of Ontario) for at least the next six months.

In the interim, in an attempt to minimize the impact on appellants and counsel, the IAD will focus its efforts on resolving as many appeals as it can without an oral hearing, making maximum use of its early informal resolution initiatives, including the Alternative Dispute Resolution process.

The IAD recognizes the importance of timely processing and appreciates the difficulties this situation will cause for those affected. The IAD is committed to informing those appearing before the Division of any further developments that could affect the scheduling of pending appeals.